Where one can easily get distracted

Knitting is my passion. I've been doing it for too many years to count now, and its always brought me joy (albeit frustration, confusion and maybe once a few tears). But mostly its my go to pastime when I want to relax, watch TV, avoid housework or unwind. It makes me feel clever and accomplished and very creative.

How could one not feel that way when taking this...

and turning it into this?

Or settling down with a squishy ball of goodness and churning out this?

 When I taught myself to knit I realized quite quickly how addictive it was going to be. In the years since then the knitting never stopped but some other things crept into the precious time I had for my hobbies (between a full time job, becoming a wife and mother, buying a house) 

like this little guy for example...

or crochet...

or rug hooking...

or punch needle...

or the rigid heddle loom that found its way home with me...

There have been forays into making laundry soap, felted bars of soap, jewelry, stitch markers, shaving cream, cleaning wipes, household cleaners...the list goes on and on. I cannot resist a crafty craft! I share this passion with my 7 year old daughter who is rarely seen without a marker, paintbrush, scissors or some other item with which she can create something! Her favorite store is Michael's! 

Many days I wish I would finish more things, like all the UFOs in my knitting basket (that's unfinished objects) or the myriad of half created rugs, scarves, soaps, candles and bird feeders. But the truth is, I enjoy creating and in today's world of Pinterest and You Tube DIY videos, its hard to stick with just one medium. A girl can easily get distracted! After dinner I'm going to work on my sweater and crank out the sleeves. I mean it this time, I will not start another hat or any more felted dryer balls. 

Wish me luck! 

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